Submerge into Near Zero, a crisp lagered ale with all the flavour but none of the alcohol <0.5%). Clean and easy drinking with a gentle dry hop, this beer offers a toasted bread aroma and cereal in the body. It finishes semi sweet with notes of bread crust and honey. Near Zero delivers an intense taste that will leave you refreshed.
TASTING NOTES: This non-alcoholic lagered ale has a cereal presence that adds depth and complexity to the beer, elevating it beyond a typical lager. It strikes a balance between light and medium-bodied, providing a delightful drinking experience.
Malts: Carapils, Flaked Wheat
Kettle Hops: Northern Brewer
Dry Hop: Northern Brewer
15 Calories
Carbohydrates - 0 g
0.5% ABV